Sajten kommer vara stängd för underhåll fr.o.m tisdag 4/2 kl. 20:00 Central European Standard Time i 4 timmar

Sälj din bil

beskriv bil, sätt reservationspris och sälj din bil inom 24 timmar.


Behöver du hjälp?

Du får gratis hjælp 8:00 - 17:00

Frågor om objekt och auktioner:
08-751 38 24

Allmänna frågor kring medlemsavtal
LRF Medlemsservice:
020-44 44 33

eller sänd ett e-post till Autorola


Auktionen startar

The car is approved and the auction starts
Your car is now ready for approval and an Autorola consultant
is assigned to your car. The consultant will help you with your
car sale both before, during and after the auction.

When the consultant has approved your car description,
your car will be enrolled on the next available auction.
Autorola runs auctions on all weekdays.

Only car dealers are allowed to bid on Autorola's auctions.
Today more than 70 000 car dealers have been approved
to bid on Autorola's auctions.

During the 24 hours an auction runs you will receive an email
every time a car dealer bids on your car. This way you are
always up to date on how your car is doing.