Sajten kommer vara stängd för underhåll fr.o.m tisdag 4/2 kl. 20:00 Central European Standard Time i 4 timmar

Sälj din bil

beskriv bil, sätt reservationspris och sälj din bil inom 24 timmar.


Behöver du hjälp?

Du får gratis hjælp 8:00 - 17:00

Frågor om objekt och auktioner:
08-751 38 24

Allmänna frågor kring medlemsavtal
LRF Medlemsservice:
020-44 44 33

eller sänd ett e-post till Autorola


Affären är avslutad

The deal is completed
If one or more dealers have bid above your reserve price
the car is sold to the highest bidder. Your Autorola
consultant informs you and the car dealer about the deal,
and you both receive a sale contract. Next you and the car
dealer make contact and agree on time and place of delivery
and on form of payment. At the handover we recommend
that you bring the sale contract ready for signing.

After the handover the car dealer has 3 weeks to re-register
the car.

Now that the car has been sold, you will receive an invoice
from Autorola on the sales fee.

However, if no dealers have bid above your reserve price at auction end, the car is not sold. In this case
you should contact your Autorola consultant and arrange what to happen next.